Friday, March 2, 2007

Flying Baby

Bella has been doing great. She can support her own weight for 10-15 seconds on her own (she has to be steadied by our hands of course). She locks her little legs, and she waves her arms as if she is performing just to make us laugh. She has been grinning real big and even laughing (ok, there was no sound, but she was laughing) throughout the day, not just during her happy time in the morning. She is always real happy in the morning for some reason which we don't quite fully understand. If we laugh at her, she will start smiling. She is already a ham in training.

We have not been taking her to church yet or over to her cousin's house yet since she doesn't have her shots. Cat's brother has started the FBDC (Free Bella Dyer Campaign) and plans to have T-shirts made in protest of us holding her captive. She will have her shots in a couple of weeks, and we will feel better about having her around other kids and taking her to the church nursery.

Here are a couple of recent pictures. This one is Bella during her tummy time. She has pretty good head control now and will only head butt you once in a while.

This one was taken a few minutes ago. She was fussing, so I changed her vantage point, and she thought that was pretty cool.

1 comment:

Laura Odom said...

Love all the pictures! The morning is usually the happiest time for babies (and the best time to schedule pictures!) And don't worry about waiting until after shots to take your child to the petri dish they call a nursery! She'll have the whole rest of her life to share germs!!

Hope you're well. I enjoy reading up on you guys now and again.