Friday, November 30, 2007

Giving Thanks

We started this year off receiving the biggest and best gift we'd ever received - a baby, and for every day she has been here, she has been a blessing. So this year we give thanks for Bella. She brings joy to everyone - whether it is to her family or grumpy old men at restaurants - everyone enjoys her smile.

She didn't wind up eating much turkey or much of anything for that matter, but she did love the crescent rolls, and well, who doesn't? We had a fun time watching her try the different foods. And then on Black Friday, her father took her out in the cold at 7:00 a.m. without a hat, jacket or shoes. Her hair wasn't combed, her clothes didn't match and her socks didn't fit. The nightmare! Anyway, that was our Thanksgiving weekend - hope yours was great, too.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

This picture was taken at the Dallas Arboredum a few weeks ago. Bella was still afraid of pumpkins, so we had to improvise. Bella would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. She is looking forward to mashed pototoes, pumpkin pie and fruit salad. OH, and GO COWBOYS!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

When Sugar Plums turn into lady bugs

Bella was a lady bug for her first halloween. She participated in the Pumpkin Parade at Penney, and then later that night she went tricker treating with her daddy. I think she had fun, and she really didn't mind the costume. But of course she was not able to partake of any of the candy she collected.