Monday, July 27, 2009

Walking, crawling, climbing

Well Baby Becca has done it again. She has started walking with no real assistance from anyone. She started walking last Wed night. She just decided to put three and four steps together to come over to were Bella and I were sitting on the floor. Then she did it again when we were outside playing at the water table. And then again when she wanted to play the piano. I have tried to get footage of it, but she is so unpredictable. Actually the thing is, she doesn't really like walking yet. But she will walk if the terrain is too rough. Last night we were at the city pool and they had a splash area. And Becca was walking in and out of the water all evening long. We finally left when I was afraid her little legs were on the verge of getting bloody from all the falling and getting up again. But once we got home, it was back to mostly crawling. But she'll be chasing after Bella soon.

Tonight she figured out how to climb down the stairs. I'd tried to teach her the same day she learned to climb up them, but it was frustrating her when I'd pull her down the stairs after she'd worked so hard to get up them. So tonight she figured it out on her own. But she is not as precise with her steps as her sister was, so I'm a little more hesitant with her. Eventually Becca got bored with just going up and down the two steps and headed towards the flight of stairs; however, I was preoccupied with Bella in the bathroom, so I yelled at her as sternly as I could. Becca stopped, looked around for where I was, and kept on going. As I am running out of the bathroom to grab her, I can her Bella saying, almost to herself, Becca's in big trouble.

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