Thursday, February 8, 2007

Getting to know you

"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me. " I'd say that about sums up where we are right now. Daddy has gone back to work this week, and Bella and I seem to have a different experience every day. Sometimes she's mild manner Bruce Banner (see picture above), and then like a flash she can turn into the Hulk (a lady never lets her most unflattering side be captured by a camera). And I'm left scratching my head wondering what offense I have committed and trying the rest of the day of recreate the magic that we once had. Was the milk too hot, too cold? Is she too hot or too cold? Was she up too long last time? Does she not like the stroller ride? My response is always the same when I ask her. Silence met with some grunting and squirminess. So we'll see what questions are raised today. One thing I have learned this week: the Hulk...he mostly comes at night, mostly.


Virginia said...

Welcome to the world of "PARENTHOOD" where you never know if you have or are doing it right.
I've been missing the updates, but do understand the demands of your time are much more important than keeping the grandparents content.
Give Bella a hug and kiss from me.
Love to All.

Laura Odom said...

Adorable, just adorable.

...and when you THINK you have them figured out, they CHANGE on you. =)

Never easy, but what an amazing ride, and oh-so-fulfilling.


al said...

Little ones are demanding, but they never forget where there love and peace are from. They never forget, and yet they learn at a very tender age the need for reassurance. The LORD has blessed you with the need to LOVE and protect Bella. Cherish and protect the little hart aches that you feel and get and the LORD will strengthen you in them.