Friday, February 2, 2007

1st Doc appointment this week

Bella had her first doctor's appointment this week. She has a stomach issue that we need to figure out, but other than that she's great. She is in the 50th percentile for her weight with 8lb 8oz. She is in the 90th percentile for her length at 21.5 inches. She is only in the 20th percentile for her head circumference. So she is a tall thin peanut head right now :) She is sleeping 4 hours at a time during the night and going right back to sleep after her feedings which has been nice. {Editor's note: She only falls right back to sleep when her daddy feeds her. For the early morning feed she is wide awake.}. Her doctor said that 10lb is the magic number where they start to sleep longer in between feedings. We cannot wait :), and we shouldn't have to wait too long since she is a good eater and fast approaching 10 lbs.

Here are a couple of recent photos


Virginia said...

Love to get those pictures. Bella is getting more "BEAUTIFUL" each day.
I am so proud to be her Grandma!!!
Are you giving her a "daily kiss and hug" from Grandma???? Sure hope so, or she is going to be 'slobberly' wet when I come to see her.
Love to All.

al said...

The LORD has really BLESSED. She is so precious. Give her Kisses and Hugs from Grandpa.
Dad, Grandpa