Friday, September 28, 2007

Bella Adventures

We just got back from the Texas State Fair. We like to go on the first day, and this year it worked out that both Todd and I could take off work a few hours early and get there before the masses arrived. Bella had a much better time once it cooled off, and we rescued her from the stroller. She does not like to be out in 90+ heat. I mean who does - no really this girl really doesn't like it. Ok, so maybe it didn't help that someone got sunscreen in her eyes before we even got out of the parking lot. Who could that have been?

p.s. note from dad: it wasn't him...

Last weekend we put Bella in the car immediately after he first bottle and took off towards the balloon festival. We didn't stay long, but we did get there in time to see the balloons take off. Bella really wasn't too impressed with the balloons, but she did like to watch all the people walk around. And of course everyone thinks she's cute. Is it that or do they think DANG that's a big baby to be carrying in that harness thing.


Al, Liz, Oak and Isla Carter said...

Fun times...and cute family! WE can't wait to see you guys...and oh how we miss the State Fair:) Love ya!

al said...

You can tell Bella is really enjoying the adventure. I love the ride she has. What a Beauty and a BLESSING she is. I thank the LORD each day for sharing her.
Dad, Gramps