This was an interesting Halloween. Initially, Bella did not express a desire to be anything in particular for Halloween. I mean, I'd ask and she'd want to be everything from Dora to "The Map" to a spider to a bunny. So, since my mom's Halloween party this year had a 50's theme, I decided, after seeing a cute jacket, that Bella would go as a Biker Chic from the 50's. There - done. Only not done. As they started talking more and more about Halloween at school, Bella consistently and adamantly started saying she was going to be a spider. So, not wanting to spend too much on another costume but wanting to be the indulgent mother, I decided to make her a spider costume. Well, she loved it. She wanted to wear her spider shirt immediately. What a happy little spider she was. There. Done! Only not done. She was a spider for the two festivals we had on the Sunday before Halloween and for Friday at school. But as soon as she walked into her room, I suspected her spider days were over. She went dancing into school, so proud of her outfit. And then she walked into her classroom. Once she saw the other little girls dressed as fairies and princesses, her face drop. She even walked over to a little girl and petted her shinny cape. So, when I picked her up on Friday guess what - she was no longer wearing her spider outfit, and she did not want to talk about it. So on Saturday when it was time to go to her school festival, she said she wanted to be a princess and refused to but the spider shirt on. Ok, so we put a tutu on her, one of my necklaces and a crown that she made at school earlier in the year. There. Done. She was a princess and loved it! (On Monday I sent Bella's teacher a note asking if something had happened with the spider outfit. She said that perhaps it was the fact that all the little boys were telling the girls how pretty they were in their princess dresses. And that one little boy wanted to hold one of the princess's hand. Ah well, and so it begins).