Yesterday Bella and I spent the day together since I will be in the hospital for the next few days, and when I come home I'll be bringing a baby with me that Bella won't be able to throw in the toy box when it starts to cry. So, Bella and I went to the park, to storytime at the bookstore, to Build a Bear to buy "Bear" some clothes, and to Chick-Fil-A (one of her favorites). We had fun, although by the time we got to Build A Bear, Bella was already tired and hungry, so poor Bear just got sunglasses, which I'm sure he'll need now that it's summer. Since the time that we've announced that we are expecting another child, everyone has been commenting about what an adjustment for Bella, and poor Bella she won't be the center of attention anymore, and I have been apprehensive about how young she is. So last night when I was telling my brother that I was beginning to get nostalgic for the times when it was just Bella and me and Todd, he said - "But it will be better." And I know this is true because how much fun was it growing up with a big brother! And he should know - after all he has 3 boys. And of course it will be better. Isn't that why we said we wanted another one. We know that the next few months are, well, not the highlight of the child rearing years, but it lasts such a short time. And this time, we will have Bella to keep our spirits bright. In the future Bella may be sharing center stage with her sister, but she will always be in the lime light. That's just who she is. And in no time at all Bella will be glad for the playmate. So here's to sunnier days at the Dyer household.