Monday, July 21, 2008

Bella's Summer Bob

Bella does not like to have her hair washed. Bella really does not like to have her hair rinsed. Bella does not like to have her hair brushed. Bella does not like to have her hair put in ponytails. Bella got her hair cut off. That's the way we roll in the Dyer household. Hope everyone likes all their limbs.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Matchy, Matchy

A neighbor of ours bought the girls matching onesies and made them matching skirts. The idea of putting them in matching clothes hadn't even occured to me!

Rebecca the Restless

Becca was so still in the womb. She hardly ever moved. I thought I was going to have a docile, sleepy, lazy baby. WRONG. While she is fairly docile when awake (well, of course she is docile -. she's not even 3 weeks old - what's she gonna do? - handstands), once she gets tired she begins to get cranky, and like all babies, she wants to be put to bed. Only thing is, she doesn't know to shut her eyes. At least once a day she says up from the start of one feeding to the beginning of another feeding. I think Bella was nine months old before she did that. Maybe we were too spoiled with Bella. That girl is still a good sleeper. But something tells me that Becca will not be following in her sister's footsteps. Too bad for mom and dad.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

You Had a Bad Day

You think you had a bad day? Poor Bella not only had to welcome a new sister this week, but she caught a nasty summer cold and mommy won't even pick her up! What does a girl have to do to get some comforting. DADDY!!!

Sweet Miracles

We give thanks to God for our newest miracle and for all the joy that she has already brought us. How thankful we were to be able to spend that first hour of her life with her, holding her. And how lucky we felt to be taking her home with us. I think my first impressions of her were right - she seems to be fairly docile and easy going. Although, the last few days have been a bit challenging as Rebecca began to get fussier and fussier. But being the old pro's that we are, we were able to figure out the problem rather quickly. It seems she probably has a milk issue as well, but rather than wait for her 2 week appointment, Todd and I made the executive decision to switch her over to soy right away. And today, she seemed much more at ease.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bella & Becca

I am sure this is the first of many postings of Bella and Becca. Bella likes to give the baby hugs and kisses and seems to be interested in her when she is awake. She hasn't seemed too upset that the baby is here, although the baby is not really awake that much. But today while Todd was holding her, Bella began to fake falling down, and we have seem more "acting out" from Bella. Of course the "acting out" is typical toddler behavior so it might be a little unfair to blame this behavior on the new baby. Becca is still turned around on her days and nights, but she isn't even a week old, so we won't hold this against her.