Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fly me to the MI

Despite being persona non grata on the UofM campus, Bella was allowed in to the sacred “Big House”. She enjoyed her time in Michigan, although pumpkins are apparently an intimidating sight to this nine month old (good thing no one told her there was a pumpkin on her shirt or socks). She did much better on the plane than I expected, but of course she did have her own seat, courtesy of all those air travelers that aren’t flying to Detroit anymore. We got to visit Oak – who truly is just an acorn at this time, but a cute little acorn. It was great to finally meet Oak and to visit with the Carters. Nothing seemed to have changed, well, except we both have babies now and carry around diaper bags and have to worry about nap time.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Apples & Ham

Catherine has been away on business for the past 2 days, and Bella and Daddy are having a great time! Tonight's menu: Apples & Ham; Bella's new favorite meal. She downed the jar in a matter of minutes. She liked it so much, she was trying to suck on her lower lip to make sure she didn't leave any. She still has some work left to perfect that one as you can tell. She would even hold on to the spoon and bite it to keep the spoon in her mouth. The last picture was taken yesterday. Mommy requested I take a picture of her each day and post it. I was able to party comply with that request :)